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2023年陕旅版五年级英语下册Unit 8单元测试题


名称 外研社小学英语五年级下册第6模块测试题
学科 英语
类型 试题|试卷
大小 343 KB
年级 小学五年级
教材 外研社英语
添加 admin 审核 admin
时间 2017-04-28 14:43
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五年级英语下册Module 6测试题
             时间:40分钟      满分:80分
  班别 ______ 姓名___________ 学号______ 分数____________
1. have a rest     2. the Tianchi Lake        3. the Tianshan Mountains        
(    )1. north   door  (    )2. south  now (    )3. our  colour
(    )4. east   meet  (    )5. rest   tell
三、圈出每组中不同类的一项。(10分) X|k  |B | 1 . c |O |m
1. parent   grandparent    week        2.  week    stay    year
3. south     east      best            4.  June    July    month  
5. ride     holiday     stay 
(     )1. m_ _ n  月亮     A. oo     B. oa     C. ou
(     )2. g _ t 到达        A. a      B. e      C.o
(     )3. p _ rent  家长    A. e      B. a      C. ar
(     )4._ _ st 东部       A. ea     B. we     C. re
(     )5. J_ ne六月       A. u      B.  a     C.e
五、选择最佳答案。(10分)X  k B 1 . c o  m
(     )1. Lingling ____got some photos .      
         A. has      B. have       C.is
(    )2. Xinjiang is ____the west of China .         
        A. on      B. in      C.for
(    )3. Did you _____ with your mother and father ?
        A. go     B. went      C. going
(    )4. I met them ___June .             
         A. in      B.on       C. of
(    )5. Last year she ____ a lovely time there .  
         A. have     B. has     C. had
(    )6. ---Where did you go ____ the holidays ? 
          --- I ___to Yinchuan.   X  k B 1 . c o  m
        A. for,go      B. for,went       C. at,going
 (     ) 7. We stayed with my grandma ___ a week in July.
        A. in        B. for       C. with
 (     ) 8. My cousin _____ Beijing every year.
       A. live      B. visits      C.visited
 (     ) 9.--- ____ did you get there?   ---By bus.
      A. Where     B. What    C. How
 (     ) 10. Yesterday Lingling _____ a horse with her parents.
      A. rides     B. rode    C. rided
1. Last month she_____ a horse. ( rides, rode)  
2. Where did she ____(go) for her holiday? ( goes, go)
3. I went to Hainan and I_____ in the sea. ( swim , swam) 
4. Let’s ____ a rest. ( have, having)    http://www.x kb1.com
5. They are photos _____ me and my family in China. (of, for)
6. ---What did you ______last night?  --- I ____ some bread. ( ate, eat )

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A. Lingling has got some photos.
B. She rode a horse yesterday.
C. They visited the Tianchi Lake.
D. She lives with her three children.
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八、看图,仿照例子写句子。(5分)http://www.x kb1.com
 提示词: Qingdao, visit her friend;
        Haikou, swim in the sea;
        Dalian, play football
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例: Last year she went to Qingdao and visited her friend.                                     
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Amy: Hi ,Tom.________________

A. Did you go with your mother and father ?
B. Where did you go for your holiday ?
C. Where is Yinchuan?
D. When did you go there ?
E. How are you ?
Tom : I’m fine ,thank you.
Amy: _____________________
Tom : We went to Yinchuan.
Amy: ____________
Tom : It’s in the west of China.  
Amy :____________________
Tom : We went there in July. 
Amy :____________________
Tom : Yes , I did . http://www.x kb1.com
1._____ 2. _____ 3. ______ 4. ______ 5._______
十、 阅读短文,判断正(T)(F).(10分)
LiYing likes English very much.She works hard (努力学习).She reads English every morning.She likes speaking English .She often listens to the radio.She watches TV only on Saturday evening.Does she like dancing ?No, she doesn’t .But she like drawing and singing. Her parents
likes her.And all the teachers and her friends like her ,too.
(     )1. LiYing likes English.
(     )2. She watches TV every evening.
(     )3. She reads Chinese every morning.
(     )4. All the teachers like her.
(     )5. LiYing is good at dancing.
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