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2023年陕旅版五年级英语下册Unit 8单元测试题
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Book5 Module 1单元练习题(词组、介词、回答问题)|试题|试卷

名称 Book5 Module 1单元练习题(词组、介词、回答问题)
学科 英语
类型 试题|试卷
大小 0.01 MB
年级 小学五年级
教材 广州版
添加 admin 审核 admin
时间 2012-09-19 23:16
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Book 5 Module 1 单元巩固练习(词组、介词、句型)
1)七点三十以前 b_______ s________ t_______ 2) 做面条 m_________ n___________
3) 去购物 g________ s____________ 4) 今天晚上 t_________ e_____________
5) 在周末 a______ t________ w_____________ 6) 晚饭后 a__________ d_____________
7) 中国的生活 t_____ l_______ i____ C_______ 8) 刷牙 b_________ t____________
9) 回家 c________ b________ h_________ 10) 做作业 d_____ h______________
11) 参观博物馆 v________ t____ m___________ 12) 去散步 g_____ f______ a w_________
13) 喝咖啡 d__________ c___________ 14) 上网 s________ t______ N_______
15) 少年宫 t______ C___________ P__________ 16) 每个周末 e__________ w___________
17) 锻炼身体 t_________ e______________ 18) 下课后 a__________ c____________
19) 放学后 a___________ s_____________ 20) 每天 e____________ d__________
21) 上班 g_______ t______ w___________ 22) 学年 s__________ y__________
23) 第二个学期 t______ s___________ t_______ 24) 读书 d______ s_______ r____________
25) 多经常…?  H_________ o_________ …? 26) 度假 o______ h___________
27) 春节 C_____________ N______ Y______ 28) 儿童节 C____________ D_______
29)教师节 T_____________ D_______ 30) 在周末 a______ t_______ w____________
1) I get up at 7:30 _______ (at, in, on) the morning. 新|课|标|第|一|网
2) We never go shopping ______ (at, in, on) the evening.
3) My father usually goes to work ________ (at, in, on) 8:00.
4) The party will begin ______ (at, in, on) 2:00pm.
5) My birthday is _________ (at, in, on) January.
6) The autumn term in China begins ______ (at, in, on) September.
7) He often plays football with his friends _______ (at, in, on) Sunday.
8) Mr. Web will go to Shanghai ______ (at, in, on) Oct. 22nd.
9) Children’s Day is _______ (at, in, on) the first of June.
10) What is the first lesson(课)________ (at, in, on) Tuesday?
11) Rose always visits the museum with her family ______ (at, in, on) the weekend.
三、请根据表格的信息,并仿照例子写句子。新 课  标  第  一 网
  starting time ending time
Ex:the autumn term September January
1)Spring Match May
2)the flower show Monday Friday
3)the music progarmme 7:00 9:00
4)The summer holiday July 5th August 28th
ExThe autumn term starts in September and ends in January.
1) Spring starts _____________________ and ends ________________________.
2) The flower show starts ______________________ and ends _______________________.
3) The music programme ___________________________ and __________________________________.
4) ___________________________________________________________________________________.
1) How many terms are there in a school year in your school? _________________________________
2) When is your birthday? _____________________________________________________________
3) When is the Teachers’ Day in China? ___________________________________________________
4) When does your spring term start? _____________________________________________________
5) What time does your father usually go to work? ____________________________________________
6) How many days are there in July? _______________________________________________________
7) How often does your mother go shopping? ________________________________________________
8) What is the date today? ________________________________________________________________
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中“广州版 小学五年级 五年级英语上册|第五册|测试题|检测题 Book5 Module 1单元练习题(词组、介词、回答问题) 试题|试卷”
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