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名称 2016.3东海县实验小学四年级下册英语第一次月考试卷
学科 英语
类型 试题|试卷
大小 56 KB
年级 小学四年级
教材 牛津英语
添加 admin 审核 admin
时间 2016-03-30 21:12
评价 ☆☆☆☆☆
听 力 部 分(40分)
(      ) 1. A. Maths B. Music C. Science
(      ) 2. A. Tuesday B. Thursday C. Wednesday
(      ) 3. A. swimming B. skate C. swim
(      ) 4. A. pig B. pity C. park
(      ) 5. A. lesson B. subject C. subjects
(      ) 6. A. to B. twenty C. twelve
(      ) 7. A. at five B. at four C. at twelve
(      ) 8. A. What about…? B. How about…? C.What colour…?
二、选出你所听到的内容。(每小题听两遍,10分)X  k B  1 . c  o m
.(      ) 1. A .Let’s go and play baseball. B. Let’s go and play basketball.
(      ) 2. A. I have a  swimming lesson. B. We have a  swimming lesson.
(      ) 3. A. Today is Tuesday. B. Today is Thursday.
(      ) 4. A. How about Saturday? B. How about Sunday?
(      ) 5. A. We don’t have any lessons on Saturday. B. We don’t have any subjects on Saturday.
(      ) 6. A. Nice to see you. B. Nice to see you too.
(      ) 7. A. I get up at six. B. I get up at seven.
(      ) 8. A. Welcome to our school! B. Welcome back to our school!
(      ) 9. A. What day is it? B. What day is it today?
(      ) 10. A. Where’s my cap? B. Where’s my cat?
三、根据所听内容,找出应答。(每小题听两遍,12分)w    W w  .x K b  1.c o M
(     )1. A .It’s  Monday B It’s on Monday morning.
(     )2. A. It’s behind the door. B. They’re behind the door.
(     )3. A. Good morning, Sam. B. Hi, Sam.
(     )4. A. Yes, I do. B. Yes, I am.
(     )5. A. At six. B. It’s six o’clock.
(     )6. A. I have Chinese and English. B.I have two.
A: What day is it               ?
B: It’s              .
A: How            lessons do you have                              ?
B: We have             . 新|课  |标| 第 | 一| 网
A: What are they?
B: They are          ,            ,            and             .
笔  试  部  分(60分)
(     ) 1. A. Monday B. Tuesday C. Friday D. week
(     ) 2. A. how B. what C. class D. where
(     ) 3. A. Science B. Music C. subject D. Chinese
(     ) 4. A. I B. sheX K b 1.C o m C. he D. her
(     ) 5. A. school B. welcome C. library D. park
(     ) 6. A. cake B .make C. play D. skate
A.at school    B .how about you?    C. on Saturday  
 D .Come and play basketball   E. get up
w    W w  .x K b  1.c o M
1.( )   A. How many subjects do you have                     ?
  B. We have eight.
2.( ) We don’t have lessons                 .
3.( ) A.                , Su Hai.
  B. Sorry, I have a swimming lesson.
4.( ) A. When do you                 , Bobby?
  B At six.
5.( ) A.I like English and Science.              , Mike?
  B.I like Maths and PE . http://w ww.xkb 1.com
在周一 ____________________
2 .
在10点钟 __________________
3. 一节美术课
4. 起床    _____________________
5. 放学后  _____________________ 6. It’s time for…  ________________
7. make a cak e _________________ 8. my school subjects _______________
9. Come and play table tennis__________ 10. What a pity!  ________________
  w    W   w .X k b 1.c O m
(      )1. Welcome back          school.
    A. in B. at C. to
(      )2. I like English ? How           you ? 
    A. about B. are C. do
(      )3. How many lessons do you have        a week ?
    A. on B. in C. this
(      )4. We have nine           this term.
    A. subjects B. lessons C. subject
(      )5. We don’t have          lessons            Tuesday morning.
    A. some; in B. any; on C. any; in
(      )6.           is it?
  It’s eight in the morning.
    A. What time B. When C. What day
(      )7. What          do you have in the afternoon?
  We have Music and Chinese.
    A. subject B. class C. lessons
(      )8.          is the fourth(第4)day of a week.
    A. Wednesday B. Sunday C. Tuesday
(      )9. When do you get up every day ?
  I get up              six. w    W w  .x K b  1.c o M
    A. at B. on C .in
(      )10. Do you have a           this afternoon?
  Yes, I do.
    A. a swimming lessons B. swimming lesson C. swimming class
    1.today,a , I , football , have , match ( . )
2 . to, welcome, school, , back(  .) 新|课  |标| 第 | 一| 网
3.on , Saturday , don’t , we , lessons , have ( . )
    4.every , do , get , when , you , day , up ( ? )
  1. We have four lessons. 新  课   标  第   一 网
2.What subjects do you like ?
3.I like English and Chinese.
4.Hi ,Tom !How many lessons do you have this morning?
5.What are they?
6.They are English , Maths , Science and Chinese..
  A:How many                do you have in the morning?
  B: we  have             .
  A: What are they ?
  B: They are            ,________, __________ and Social Science.
  A: What             do you________?
  B: I like             (美术). X  k B  1 . c  o m
Today is Monday .It’s a fine day today. Peter has four lessons in the morning and two in the
afternoon .Now he and his classmates are having an Art lesson. Peter is drawing a big house. It is
very fun .He likes Art very much, but there are only two Art lessons in a week .He hopes he can
have more.
(     )1.       It’s Tuesday today.
(     )2.       Peter has five lessons on Tuesday.
(     )3.       Peter is having a Music lesson.
(     )4.       Peter likes Art every much.

1.Music   2.Wednesday 3 . swimming 4. pity   5. subjects  6. twelve 
 7 .at five  8. What about…?
1. B. Let’s go and play basketball.
2. A. I have a  swimming lesson.
3. B. Today is Thursday.
4. B. How about Sunday?
5. A. We don’t have any lessons on Saturday.
6. A. Nice to see you. w    W w  .x K b  1.c o M
7. B. I get up at seven.
 8.. A. Welcome to our school.
9. B. What day is it today?
10. B. Where’s my cat?
1. What day is it today?
2. Where are your shoes?
3.Good morning,Bobby. 新|课  |标| 第 | 一| 网
4.Do you have an English lesson this morning?
5.When do you get up in the morning?
6.How many lessons do you have in the moring?
A: What day is it   today            ?
B: It’s         Monday     .
A: How    many        lessons do you have  on                     Monday     ?
B: We have      three      .
A: What are they?
B: They are    Chinese      ,       English     ,      Art      and       Maths      .
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