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名称 2013闽教版小学英语四年级下册Unit7-Unit8练习题
学科 英语
类型 试题|试卷
大小 0.01 MB
年级 小学四年级
教材 闽教版
添加 nadiannahu 审核 admin
时间 2013-06-11 12:25
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闽教版小学英语四年级U7-U8 练习
一、         划线部分读音相同的打勾,不同的打叉。
1. (     ) mouth house 2. (     ) cake apple 3. (     ) hat black
4. (     )day rain  5. (     ) grass  pass 6. (     )play lay
二、选择正确的选项完成下列句子。xKb 1.Co m
(     ) 1. Put the ______ in the bathroom.   A. soap   B. food
(     ) 2. Put the _____ in the dining room.   A. kettle  B. fruit
(     ) 3. Put the ______ in the study.    A. table    B. desk
(     ) 4. Put the vegetables in the ______.   A. kitchen   B. dining room
(     ) 5. Put the bed in the _______.    A. study   B. bedroom
(     ) 6. Where are they? 
A. They are in the study.  B. They are reading in the study.
(     ) 7. What are they doing? http://ww w.xkb1 .com
A.   They have tea.  B. They are having tea.
(     ) 8. What are they doing?
A.   They are having dinner.  B. They are haveing dinner.
(     ) 9. There is ________ sitting room.   A. Sally   B. Sally’s
(     ) 10. There ______ three books on the table.   A. is  B. am  C. are
(     ) 11. There ______ a TV near the door.    A. is  B. am  C. are
(     ) 12. There is a piano _____ the window.  A. in   B. on   C. near
(     ) 13. There are tow pictures _____ the wall.  A. in   B. on   C. near
(     ) 14. There are two pencils _____ my pencil-case. A. in   B. on   C. near
(     ) 15. I have my meals in the _______.   A. dining room    B. sitting room
(     ) 16. I do my homework in the _________.   A. study    b. bedroom
(     ) 17. _____ there any ice cream in the fridge?  A. is   B. Is 
(     ) 18. ______ there any milk?   A. Is    B. Are
(     ) 19. Are there any cakes?   A. Yes, there is.   B. Yes, there are.
(     ) 20. Are there any apples on the table?  A. No, there are. B. No, there aren’t.
1. is/window/there/a/near/tv/the (       X k  B 1 . c  o m              )
2. there/many/school/in/are/my/computers (                                 )
3. wash/i/my/in/bathroom/the/face(                                      )
四、用There is 或There are 填空。
1. _________________________ a picture on the wall.
2. _________________________ four windows in my classroom.
3. _________________________many flowers near the window.
4. _________________________ a book on the desk.
5. ________________________ some apples on the table.
6. _________________________ some chairs near the table. 新| 课 |标 |第 |一| 网
7. _________________________ a blackboard in the classroom.
8. _________________________a computer in my study.
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