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2023年陕旅版六年级英语下册Unit 7单元测试题
2023年陕旅版六年级英语下册Unit 8单元测试题


名称 2017年11月新标准六年级英语月考试卷
学科 英语
类型 试题|试卷
大小 97 KB
年级 小学六年级
教材 外研社英语
添加 admin 审核 admin
时间 2017-12-11 14:47
评价 ☆☆☆☆☆

【学校自测,时间60分钟,满分100分    其中含卷面分2分】

(    )1. A  more    B  my     C many     D  any
(    )2. A  collect   B  cap     C  cat     D  cake
(    )3. A  other    B  another  C  their    D  these
(    )4. A  ready   B really      C  read    D  race
w    W w .X  k b 1.c

(    )5. A  meal    B milk       C  miss   D  meet
www.xkb1.com              新课标第一网不用注册,免费下载!二、听问句,选答语。(10分)
  (   )1. A. We fly flag and sing songs .
 B . We have a big family dinner .
  (   )2. A. Yes, I can .  B . No , I haven’t .  C. Yes, there is.
www.xkb1.com              新课标第一网不用注册,免费下载!  (   )3. A. It’s has got  about twenty million  people .
 B . It’s more than twenty thousand kilometres . 
  (   )4. A. It’s  the Lantern Festival .B.I can speak some English .
  (   )5. A. I like Chinese food .  B. My hobby is sleeping .

www.xkb1.com              新课标第一网不用注册,免费下载!         www.xkb1.com              新课标第一网不用注册,免费下载!    www.xkb1.com              新课标第一网不用注册,免费下载!   www.xkb1.com              新课标第一网不用注册,免费下载!   www.xkb1.com              新课标第一网不用注册,免费下载!
   (   )              (   )               (   )              (   )              (   )                                      
   What a big________of the US! This is New York. It’s in the_________.San Francisco is a big city.It’s in the_________.Canada is in the_________of the US, and Mexico is in the_______of the US.The US is a big country.
   m  p      sh  p     s     ong    b  cycl        st  ry
(    )1. A. China    B.  English   C. UK  D. US
(    )2. A . flying    B .somthing  C .watching  D. playing
(    )3. A.  he      B.  they    C. we       D. her
(    )4. A. stamps    B..sings     C. likes     D. loves
(    )5. A .tall       B. thousand  C . million   D. kilometre
people (复数)      love(同义词)            swim (ing形式)             
long (反义词)     let’s (完全形式)            collect ( ing形式)            
children(单数)        there is(缩写)          hobby (复数)             
1、There _______ (is/are)a Chinatown in New York.
2、I’ve got two           (friend/friends) from the UK.
3、Have you got            (some/any)stamps?
4、I’m            (sending/send) an email to my family in China.
5、The US is a big            (city/country).
 (   ) 1. Have you got any stamps____ America? 
A.in                 B.for               C.from
(   ) 2 .____ is New York?  It is in the east.
       A. What              B.  How             C. Where
(   ) 3. Do you_______stamps?.  
A. collect           B. collecting       C. playing
(   ) 4.What do you do        Flag Day? . 
       A.on                 B. in               C.  at
(   ) 5.We       “thank you ” for our food ,family and friends.
A.  say              B.  tell            C.  speak
(   ) 6 .       a big map of China !    
A.  How              B.  I               C.  What
(   )7 .She’s       an email to my family .
A. send                B. sending           C.  sends
(   )8 . Can you tell me more_____ Chinese New Year?
     A. to                  B. for               C. about
(   )9 . There _____ lots of bicycles in China.  
A. are                  B.is                 C.were
(   )10.Have you got _______ stamps?   
A. some                 B. any               C. a
(   )11.如果问“你的爱好是什么?”应该说:____
A. What’s your name?       B. What’s your hobby?
(   )12.当你问“你会说英语吗?”应该说:_____
A. Can you speak English    B. Can you speak French?
(   ) 13.“元宵节是我最喜欢的节日”应该说:_____
A. My favourite festival is the Lantern Festival.
B. My favourite festival is the Spring Festival.
(   )14.“一顿特殊的大餐” 应该说:________
A.a big family dinner   B. a special meal
(  )1.Where are you from?               A. Yes,of course .
(  )2.Do you like Thankgiving Day ?     B. Yes, there are .
(  )3.Can you help me ?                    C. I’m from England.
(  )4.Are there any pencils on the desk ?  D.  Thank you.
(  )5.-Happy birthday to you!             E.  No, I don’t .
十、连词成句。( 12)
1.  thanksgiving /  my / festival/ is /  favourite (.)
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2.  to /  you / Chinatown/ want /  go /  to / Do (?)
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www.xkb1.com              新课标第一网不用注册,免费下载!3.  hobby /  bicycle / is / my /  Riding .(.)
www.xkb1.com              新课标第一网不用注册,免费下载!4、watch \ football \ We \ a big \ on \ game \ TV( .)
5.  beautiful,  there,  in,  China, are,lakes (.)
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6、what’s,  hobby,  your, (?) 
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Springs Festival is Chines e New Year . It’s my favourite festival. Before it,I always give presents and cards to my friends . I play games with them .We always have a big family dinner at Springs Festival . And we have peanuts and sweets . I think it’s very interesting .
(  ) 1. My  favourite  festival  is  Mid-Autumn  Festival .
(  ) 2. I always give presents and cards to my friends after Springs Festival .
(  ) 3. We have  peanuts  and  sweets  at  Spring  Festival .
(  ) 4. I  don’t  think  it’s  very  interesting .
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