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2023年陕旅版六年级英语下册Unit 7单元测试题
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Book7 Unit5 Dialogue练习题|试题|试卷

名称 Book7 Unit5 Dialogue练习题
学科 英语
类型 试题|试卷
大小 0.01 MB
年级 小学六年级
教材 广州版
添加 admin 审核 admin
时间 2012-09-19 23:31
评价 ☆☆☆☆☆
Book 7 Unit 5 Dialogue 课后练习
1. Mr. Webb Tokyo
2. Mrs. Webb Paris
3. Janet Rome
4. Ben Wellington
1. Mr. Webb would like to go to ____________________.
2. Mrs. Webb would like to go to ___________________.
3. Janet ______________________________________________.
4. Ben ________________________________________________.

cleaner, warmer, more beautiful, quieter, more interesting
Part I: X|k |b| 1 . c|o |m 
1. Paris is __________________________ than Tokyo.
2. Tokyo is __________________________ than Paris.
3. Rome is _________________________ than Paris.
4. Wellington is ______________________ than the other cities.
5. Wellington is _____________________ than Tokyo.
Part II:
1. Ben would like to go to ______________ (Japan / Rome).
2. Mrs. Webb thinks Tokyo is a _____________ (good / bad) place to visit.
3. Paris is ___________________ (more beautiful / more interesting) than Tokyo.
4. Mrs. Webb thinks Tokyo is _________________ (more crowded / more interesting) than Paris.
5. Mr. Webb would like to go to a ____________ (colder / warmer) place.
6. Mr. Web thinks Rome is _____________ (colder / warmer) than Paris.
7. Mrs. Webb thinks Paris and Rome are so ____________________ (quiet and clean / noisy and crowded). w   w w .x k b 1.c o m
8. Wellington is _____________ (noisier / quieter) than the other cities.
9. Mrs. Webb would like to go to ______________ (Tokyo / Wellington).
10. Ben thinks Wellington is ____________ (interesting / boring).
11. Wellington is _____________ (busier / cleaner) than Tokyo.
12. They decided (决定) to go to ______________ (Shanghai / Beijing) at last.
1. Where would you like to _____ ______ ___________ (度假) this summer?
2. ______ _______ _____ (我想) go to Japan.
3. Tokyo is ______ ________ _________ (一个好地方) to visit.
4. Paris and Rome are so ________ _____ __________ (又吵又拥挤).
5. Wellington is quieter than _______ _________ __________ (其它城市).
6. I _______ _____ (更喜欢) go to Tokyo.
7. There are ______ _________ ___________ __________ (很多美丽的地方) in the world.
8. ________ ________ (为何不) we go back to England?
9. We can visit _______ __________ ____________ (长城).
I’d like to go to London in the summer holiday.
Because London is a beautiful city.
I can visit the British Museum(大英博物馆)in London.  
l         I’d like to go to _____________ in the summer holiday.
Because ___________ is a ___________city.
I can _____________________________ in ______________.
l         I’d like to go to ______________ in the winter holiday. X|k |b| 1 . c|o |m
Because _____________________________________________________________.
I can ________________________________________________________________.
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